So I've got friends on both sides of the political aisle and since the election there's been a bit of a misconception by some Trump supporter friends of those not supporting Trump that I'd like to clear up.
The misconception is that now that the election is over and that Donald Trump has been sworn into office, we should stop protesting him and hope for his success as president. So let’s get one thing clear: you can vehemently oppose Trump and his agenda but still hope that he succeeds in leading our country.
When you hear people say things like "not my president" and that they're going to "fight him and/or his agenda for the next four years", don't misconstrue that as people saying that he isn't the 45th president of the United States or that they want him to fail in leading the country.
Yes, he is the president. And when it comes to matters like building up the middle class and providing jobs for hardworking Americans, these are obviously goals that any person would want for any president, regardless of political affiliation. President Obama has had a record 75 straight months of job growth and every American would love nothing more than for that streak to continue.
However, as we've seen over the last over the last year and a half, Trump has shown himself to be a narcissist lacking empathy for others, a sexual predator who has openly bragged about sexually assaulting women, and a wannabe authoritarian who kisses up to the likes of Vladamir Putin (who is someone that has had political opponents assassinated).
Those aren't the qualities of a great leader. And no president before him has carried themselves in such a manner. Not Lincoln, not Roosevelt, not even Reagan. No one.
Furthermore, some of his policies, like wanting to building a wall to keep out "rapist" Mexicans (while ignoring the fact that a large percentage of illegal immigrants come from Asia), wanting to ban an entire religion of over a billion people from entering the country, and pushing the idea that climate change is a hoax despite the MOUNDS of evidence that it's real, are all policies that are not only bad policies, they in the long run do more harm than good to not just the people of our country but to people around the world.
So when you see us marching in the streets protesting Donald Trump or speaking out against him on social media, it's not because we want him to fail in leading our country, in keeping us safe, and in creating more prosperity for all Americans.
It's because we want to show our fellow Americans and the rest of the world that despite him being president, his morals, character, and ideals are not what we value as citizens of this country we love.
That’s why he is not our president.